Monday, February 8, 2010

Best Tanto Knife Under 50

One of Kafka: Journalists talk ethics Venevision and RCTV


journalists who work in the Department of Information and Opinion of Venevision, including editors, reporters, anchors, coordinators and publicly express our strong opposition to the unjustified attacks we have suffered for being part of the family of this channel.

Through this release we demand respect for all managers, journalists and other workers Venevision, who every day make the effort to fulfill our sacred duty to report truthfully, timely and impartial as required by our Code of Ethics.

We insurance our attitude in front and behind the scenes , is attached our beliefs , and work here is fully exercise set the principles for which we were trained as journalists, leaving, as it must, that the decision and the trial and viewers do not our personal position .

As journalists, we consider necessary to disseminate basic values \u200b\u200bof respect, coexistence, peace, dialogue, unity and understanding between all Venezuelans. The great wars of history have come to an end through dialogue.

In news Channel 4 shows all stripes, colors and views. We came with our signal to the farthest corners of the country. We went outside and captured the reality in all its dimensions. If we pass something negative and if there is something positive also the inform because it is our duty.

decades, the advertising space and Venevision have occupied a special place in the Venezuelan public hearing . That reality, this palpable fact you can not change who made unfair attacks , and irrational against this, the most watched channel in Venezuela.

therefore do not accept that it is intended to damage the image of a TV station for nearly half a century , joy has , entertainment, recreation, education and information to millions of Venezuelans.

As workers, as fathers and mothers, as human beings who live and love to Venezuela, we demand respect for our dignity and we say to those leading campaigns against us, that this country hurts us all and must be responsible.

The audience is won with talent, creativity and excellence and not to generate unjustified attacks and hostile climates.

reiterate that historically Venevision with his artistic talent, professional, technical, producers, directors, creatives, writers, operations personnel, finally, this great family , held together conquering the love, acceptance and preference of the public, loop difficult to break.

social communicators proudly carry this channel Venevision microphone in our hands. Sorry satisfaction of fulfilling our social obligation to inform the population balance. And today we are all united against what they consider unfair attacks. STATES TO DEMAND RESPECT.

Finally we quote an excerpt from Article 17 of the Code of Ethics of Venezuelan journalist: "The journalist should strive for a healthy communication environment in the sense of achieving balance in the messages." We made it clear that our action is attached to the ethical guideline.

said that not we hide under the anonymity or through electronic means. We will defend our PRINCIPLES ETHICAL AND MORAL

Aware of the deep need of understanding that exists in Venezuela, will continue in our efforts to generate spaces for the reunion.

That "orgullosísimos" journalists do not know Venevisión rate, separating subject and predicate with a comma, they are vicious queísmo practitioners, who do not know the matching number (" if we pass a bad thing ... if there is something positive ones reported "), that do not know how to handle tenses (" historically Venevision (...) It is held together ", rather than maintained), and who believe that capital letters are not emphasized are the unmistakable signs that the decline of journalistic staff Hill is not only ethical but also grammar, syntax and spelling.

is noted that the staff so proud you have not write and write, but transcribed. Take dictation and point. What they say, as it is, put it and that was that. Hence, of the fifty-four signatories, repeat and number to be captured in all its dimensions, of the 54 signatories had not even one who noticed and corrected the errors and horrors of the statement. And if there was, well, as always: no buts sign that what Daddy sent Cisneros "holy word."

would not want to lose them lines, but the truth is that I could not keep quiet. Because if there is unacceptable that journalists job title and repeaters that make up the staff so proud and illiterate of Venevision try to give lessons in ethics.

Some guys who have taken journalism not as a ministry in favor of truth, but as easy and quick to fill their bank accounts silence what others want to be silent and act as they are called upon to act, what are going to talk ethics?

For example Vacarella Anna, a woman who could very well inspire Stevenson to write " The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde " on the radio is a critical journalists government and on television a mere reader of the teleprompter sweetened so happy that Cisneros makes , says that in the morning and at noon retracts, what respect can talk? "From the respect of their pockets as that lie both drug dealers and prostitutes? "The respect for the inconsistency?

O Giolitti Eduardo Rodriguez, named this blog as " Mimosine " given his loving and suspicious tendency to be softer than the bear with the world, what principles are going to talk? "The teeth of pelarles respondents and reluctantly reírles jokes? "From to please everyone who sits in the front seat? "From the legitimate principle to be the submissive geisha" meridian Interview? What

what about Manuel Sainz ? Venevision anchor in turbulent times since 2002, the man who introduced him to the country's famous video of the "gunmen of Llaguno" how can you go on to talk about dignity when the whole country has seen him dance like bold Carnival is that you touch the heads and changing the blue suit with red and then the "purple" moderate "? "Principles, independence, values? The Pocket!

That these faces and voices of outraged stand rental demand respect if they were decent people, worthy of Kafka . They think they're human and not realize that cockroaches are simple. The fever has risen so much that they already delirious. The Vacarella hallucinates that is Veronica Guerin Creole Eduardo Rodriguez believes be on camera as Ed Murrow no nicotine in these times, and the rest of the staff swears he is working for El Espectador Fidel Cano of . But there are only delusions, and actually Anita had been the first to throw doubt on the leg of Guerin, Eddie " Mimosine " chistesito after he had answered "yes-sir-how "no" to everything McCarthy he said, and the rest of the staff had deified and glorified Pablo Escobar.

orgullosísimos For me I keep on its own. Throw away your chest that they have the microphone foam with V of sales. Who hallucinate and fantasize about being the non-plus-ultra of national journalism, continental and global fly if. Do all that and more. But to do so within your channel, including in private, and not come away with poses of false martyrs to demand they do not deserve respect and give lessons on ethics and dignity they have not. Keep

assuming that the more you make note of what is lacking.