Monday, December 29, 2008

Average Cost Of New Shocks Installed On Jeep

Remittances from Salvadorans abroad will help to create the People's Solidarity Tax. The front

(((This will be news if the FMLN wins)))
It's time that Salvadoran society is really supportive. "Support one another" is the key that you mentioned the President Mauricio Funes. The proletarian class must be sacrificed, but also all the compatriots who are abroad and have better benefits and wages in other industrial countries.

Funes President during his inauguration speech was ad developers, but more will it impact the Farabundo National state coffers is the contribution that will make our fellow Salvadorans abroad.

"Let's create the People's Solidarity Tax, to inject more resources to the National Farabundo, we will provide additional resources with input from all Salvadorans send monthly remittances to their families," Funes said the President during his first speech as head of state.

Soon In making the announcement and was immediately silenced by an overwhelming applause from the crowd dressed in red and black, popularly attended the inauguration of the governor.

Funes said: "The People's Solidarity Tax will be a tax burden for the compatriots who live around the world, the new tax will be 20% of the total amount sent, so we will have a significant contribution to heritage of our government. "

"If a fellow sends $ 100, 80 will be for the person receiving them and will be deducted $ 20 for People's Solidarity Tax", and all contribute to create a more fair and equitable for the Salvadorans, "he said.

According to estimates by the Central Bank, only in 2007 El Salvador received in remittances sent by Salvadorans a total of 3 thousand 695 million dollars, which when subjected to 20% of the new President of the People's Solidarity Tax Funes, represent an additional annual income of $ 739 million.

Brigades in neighborhoods and Shafik Handal "

This figure when compared with the annual operating budget of the Salvadoran government for fiscal year 2008, which represented 4 000 558 million, will mean a negligible increase of l6%, which would allow the government of President Funes inject more resources to establish the "Brigades in neighborhoods and Shafik Handal.

With the resources of Salvadorans abroad will be created as a tribute to our comrade and revolutionary leader recalled the "Brigades in neighborhoods and Shafik Handal, which will be an instrument of ideological control and for the Salvadoran neighborhoods.

President Funes added that in the coming weeks will announce the detail, structure and political organization of the Brigades in neighborhoods and Shafik Handal "and the way Salvadorans must join to defend the Salvadorian Communist system.


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