Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Ceos Who Earn More Than Some Countries Gdps
cultural change that is shaking society, altering the roles played by thousands of men and women, has consequences if not met, will result in domestic violence and family disintegration.
30 per cent of agreements Quito Council relate to the political and civic participation of women, and the exercise of their rights. In Latin America has been a tendency to adopt and develop initiatives with a vision of equality. Actions to modify that culture need to come of all people, everyone from his trench, you can get women to live with equal opportunities.
is no longer possible to prevent women from working outside the home, what one can do is to take steps to ensure that this does not cause disintegration of families. Actions are urgently needed to match school hours work with parents and which can balance work and family life. In the hands of government and citizens are the solutions.
It is therefore important citizen participation, female participation in some cases is crucial and fundamental sectors that are sensitive subjects that men, machismo and unresponsive, we are not capable of understanding and awareness.
Fortunately there are women who work every day for that change, un paradigms, we have injected our ancestors, and not simply marry, cooking, ironing, going to work, and the day return left in the routine, the funny thing is that I have time say never, but if life is so routine, because then always made comments I have problems? When we see the other side of the street and see that others are worse off than us, that some people have a problem that we can help solve.
help to be helped, strength to be driven, integrated to be integrated.
Again I invite you to visit the AC VIFAC page so you can see the need for other people have and thanks to you, your problems will be solved, we need female volunteers to help women in distress, we had a week ago a meeting where we feed on ideas, options, project, the association already has it, but new ideas, nurture more to improve the project. But more important is the work to be done, we need to go to neighborhoods, organizing groups, heads of street, neighborhood, so if you know of a pregnant woman, the direct channel to the association.
say is that parent must work, but when you participate, you better say, I'm contributing to my country, my state, my city, my people, and so far they have done, you know there are so many things that we need help, you know that there are activities that we have to do, without expecting anything in return, without search a bone, if a bone in the party's secretary in the government. I know the list of emails I send this, is helping people by being and doing, because they are concerned and occupied by her state and country who work tirelessly every day own success of their environment.
And so my appreciation and admiration. Equipment is needed, action is needed and I know you, if you, you are a woman of attitude, action and so we are going to help!
hope you have a committed, I hope today we think of them, (which incidentally are thousands) tomorrow could be my family, I can be me. Time and thanks to climate change what happened in Veracruz, left devastated houses, which never ever thought of seriously affected by flooding and looks, life revolves change.
receive an embrace of solidarity, caring, Emilia is to call and hopefully we can bring more women who you know. Sincerely
Alberto Mujica
DIRECTOR, DO NOT HESITATE Call him and we schedule another meeting.
Office: 01 (777) 101.88.70 Celular: 044 7772335428 Nextel: 01 (777) 279 14 35
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Star Trac Belt Wax Powder
month of the country starts this September 1 and from that day they began work to place 150 flags of Costa Rica along the Autopista General Cañas.
La Compania Nacional de Fuerza y \u200b\u200bLuz CNFL will perform this task.
flags, two meters long by one wide, from the toll booth will be located in Rio Segundo, Alajuela, to the Datsun Agency in La Sabana.
A team of 12 people, five cranes and a small truck will be responsible for this work.
Due to road works requested collaboration Traffic Management to ensure the safety of drivers traveling through this area.
flags, which will be placed to commemorate the 189th anniversary of Independence, will grace the highway until 4 October.
Source: The Nation
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
High Toxicity Liver Steroids
There is always a solution,
I thank VIFAC because I learned many things like that life has a long road to follow, thanks to the psychologists who made me see, do not be overcome through worse things to be bad happen to us also give thanks all of VIFAC that gave me shelter, food that was what more is needed when walking the streets because I felt alone, I also give thanks for the little girl was fine, I thank God and VIFAC the tranquility, peace and joy that I received, I came to the house very badly, but thanks to my colleagues for the good times with them, I did not think things of the past now I'm better when I get VIFAC , I pray to God for all of VIFAC continue their support to all those girls who feel death by her pregnancy, they feel alone in the world but not, just ask God that guided by the road where there VIFAC that will give you the help they gave me my thanks we give the girl and me, that God cares and help, thanks.
I was one of many women who had the opportunity to benefit from VIFAC, 8 years ago and has been one of the best things I have happened in my life, because through this could help keep my son who is 8 years old and is very healthy. Each day that passes I remember each and every one of those who were at the time of my stay in this wonderful house, and I thank all who shared their joy, sorrow and sadness, because through this I could grow a bit to make important decisions in life that would when leaving home. I saw an ad in the street where he said VIFAC and told Alexander (my son) you were born there, list the mailing address, to reiterate my deepest thanks, I'm glad they are still eager to continue working help women and infants in need of kindness.
After this short review, we must understand that inequity and inequality not only have low cultural levels, this happens at all levels.
As I always say we do not have to wait until things happen to us to learn how to prevent, assist and resolve causes can with very little of our time and dedication to help those who suffered and unfortunately some event that life presents.
In Cuernavaca Morelos has come for a year, the opportunity to support and to leave your grain of sand as a woman, a mother, a professional in giving love and understanding of those and other .
want to do, want to leave something in people? The way out of poverty is truly worthy, when done through education, information and prevention. For that has come VIFAC (Life and Family AC)
428 years before Christ, Plato said: "The man is in search of meaning." Wants to be somebody, progress, transcend. With this definition, it is very difficult to understand then why our youth are immersed in drugs, alcohol and inconsequential things. could say that in part by the lack of opportunity, but something even more important, because they have stars who go and you could be one of them, or am I wrong?
Today's world requires more than youth leaders, youth leadership required for the common good, leading to human sense that contribute to sustainable development of our society. I invite the young girls specifically, to assume its leadership role and begin to build the future now, ladies take this path under the principles of peace, progress, freedom, equality and mutual support among women!
not expect to happen to you, or someone close to you, the best is help to be helped in the future!
I invite you to see the website and see what it is, if you want support, we appreciate that interest you put into the similar.
Alberto Mujica follow me on Twitter: ALBERTOMUJICA
How can I help? As a volunteer in different areas, you better not flames at this time to Mrs. Emilia Torres
Office: 01 (777) 101.88.70 Celular: 044 7772335428 Nextel: 01 ( 777) 279 14 35
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Share Usb Safenet Sentinel
A group of students from Imperial College University of London, which runs from North to South America with the first electric car racing world, introduced the car last Wednesday in Costa Rica in the middle of their journey.
British students, with this tour intended to promote employment and technology development products and encourage innovation among the student population of the continent.
The group, which left the U.S. city of Anchorage, on the Arctic coast of Alaska, nearly two months, will have its final destination, Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost population of the continent. FORL
said the car, named SRZero, is a transformation of the vehicle Radical SR8, one of the fastest race cars in the world with an internal combustion engine. The SRZero, which weighs one metric ton, has a top speed of 200 kilometers per hour, with an acceleration power lets you go from zero to hundred kilometers per hour in seven seconds and has a range of 400 kilometers.
Source: The Nation