Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ceos Who Earn More Than Some Countries Gdps

cultural change that is shaking society, altering the roles played by thousands of men and women, has consequences if not met, will result in domestic violence and family disintegration.

30 per cent of agreements Quito Council relate to the political and civic participation of women, and the exercise of their rights. In Latin America has been a tendency to adopt and develop initiatives with a vision of equality. Actions to modify that culture need to come of all people, everyone from his trench, you can get women to live with equal opportunities.

is no longer possible to prevent women from working outside the home, what one can do is to take steps to ensure that this does not cause disintegration of families. Actions are urgently needed to match school hours work with parents and which can balance work and family life. In the hands of government and citizens are the solutions.

It is therefore important citizen participation, female participation in some cases is crucial and fundamental sectors that are sensitive subjects that men, machismo and unresponsive, we are not capable of understanding and awareness.

Fortunately there are women who work every day for that change, un paradigms, we have injected our ancestors, and not simply marry, cooking, ironing, going to work, and the day return left in the routine, the funny thing is that I have time say never, but if life is so routine, because then always made comments I have problems? When we see the other side of the street and see that others are worse off than us, that some people have a problem that we can help solve.

help to be helped, strength to be driven, integrated to be integrated.

Again I invite you to visit the AC VIFAC page so you can see the need for other people have and thanks to you, your problems will be solved, we need female volunteers to help women in distress, we had a week ago a meeting where we feed on ideas, options, project, the association already has it, but new ideas, nurture more to improve the project. But more important is the work to be done, we need to go to neighborhoods, organizing groups, heads of street, neighborhood, so if you know of a pregnant woman, the direct channel to the association.

say is that parent must work, but when you participate, you better say, I'm contributing to my country, my state, my city, my people, and so far they have done, you know there are so many things that we need help, you know that there are activities that we have to do, without expecting anything in return, without search a bone, if a bone in the party's secretary in the government. I know the list of emails I send this, is helping people by being and doing, because they are concerned and occupied by her state and country who work tirelessly every day own success of their environment.

And so my appreciation and admiration. Equipment is needed, action is needed and I know you, if you, you are a woman of attitude, action and so we are going to help!

hope you have a committed, I hope today we think of them, (which incidentally are thousands) tomorrow could be my family, I can be me. Time and thanks to climate change what happened in Veracruz, left devastated houses, which never ever thought of seriously affected by flooding and looks, life revolves change.

receive an embrace of solidarity, caring, Emilia is to call and hopefully we can bring more women who you know. Sincerely

Alberto Mujica





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