Friday, December 3, 2010

When's The Best Time To Wax Holiday

Christmas Tree Christmas Lighting National Children's Hospital by the CIER

A 47 years tradition meets overjoyed hundreds of hearts that throbbed with emotion to see one more year the Christmas tree at the National Hospital Children, which was lit at 6 pm yesterday, marking the official start of Christmas.

Work began in October by workers Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y \u200b\u200bLuz (CNFL) who were responsible for the placement of 36,000 colored lights, rising to 1,000 bulbs this year because decoration in 2009 included 35 thousand lights. 36 000

With colored lights, the giant tree was admired by some 1,200 people attended the lighting, this tree is a tradition not only for children and medical center officials, but that all Costa Ricans look forward because Christmas not begin without the tree lighting at Children's Hospital.

The tradition of lighting the Christmas tree started from 1964 when the hospital was born and since then, has not ceased to illuminate, as it has supported by the Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y \u200b\u200bLuz.


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