Indeed, the FMLN has grown in national vote, both mayors as deputies, may be considered quantitatively, as the first electoral strength, but the loss of San Salvador is a political fact is initially gravitated to the following concerns:
this day's vote was decisive and demonstrated the political head of the people vote, this vote means:
a) the people it does not trust any preference for one political party and so honored, predominantly to ARENA and the FMLN and punished, severely, by FDR.
b) The people did not go en masse to vote, which may mean lack of confidence in the political system.
c) In the case of Santa Ana, Mena mayor's conduct to the people of Cutumay Camones, determined its crushing electoral defeat and political.
Indeed, the FMLN has grown in national vote, both mayors as Deputies, can be considered quantitatively, as the first electoral strength, but the loss of San Salvador is a political fact that NDVI initially has the following implications:
a) is a highly moralistic factor for rows of Rights and Areneras and can be demoralizing to the ranks of the FMLN.
b) San Salvador was the weak link in the election campaign from the front but was not treated as such and ignored the fact that this is a mayor who had earned less than 50 votes, the FMLN campaign ignored this fact of reality.
c) ARENA captured this weak link, being the national capital was not meant politically by the FMLN in their governments, as befits a capital.
d) Presumably, ARENA, with a possible loss of executive San Salvador made of genuine political trenches, and in any case, used his victory in the capital to boost the campaign of Rodrigo, winning San Salvador is the biggest political victory of ARENA and the FMLN's biggest defeat.
e) It is still pending sufficiently clarify the nature, impact and consequence of the link between San Salvador and the presidential election.
Anyway, it seems predictable and inevitable adjustments in the electoral strategy to overcome the most fundamental weaknesses of the FMLN and its electoral campaign, for example the following:
a) The pervasive idea that the campaign of favoring good relations with the capital and no confidence and understanding of the popular sectors.
b) The well-known weakness to leave the party walls to the world murmuring of social reality.
c) A consistent arrogance and triumphalism, perceived both by the people and you have installed on the political head the wrong idea, that an electoral victory of the FMLN is written in heaven and is dictated by the Gods.
d) Weak vocation to hear opinions and views of other sectors at the end or not ideologically, politically, far or near.
The result of the January 18 election strengthens the position of the ARENA party apparatus against the ruling class, this is the political result more determinant of January 18 because it is expected new agreements between the rulers and those who govern changing, giving strength, ARENA's presidential campaign.
collided Sunday, 18 three policies: the people who voted with great political wisdom, the party with a sense of the market and the dominant class conservative soul, but using the soul of human beings the weapon of the dominant ideology.
San Salvador The result is a drum playing to the front because, it shows and proves that the election results are never written in stone, however, have an archeology sufficiently volatile to be determined the last moments of one electoral section, the end of the behavior of human beings, including their political behavior, subjectivity is constructed in more protected and imperceptible. Published