Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Do You Masterbate To?(gays)

Chistesito jajaja

A school teacher says in class that she supports the FMLN Communist party, and then asked to raise your hand all the support it also.

All raise their hands in class, except one girl who was sitting on the back of the room.

The teacher looked at her with surprise and asked:

Why not raise his hand?
- Because I do not support the communist FMLN, miss. The teacher, puzzled, asked again
- if not sympathize with the FMLN, then whom do you sympathize?
- With ARENA. - The girl replied proudly.

The teacher said,
- How you can be sandbox?

The girl, very quiet, said
- ARENA My mother, my father is a sandbox, and my brother is also a sandbox. So I too am ARENA! Proud and confident-topped, small.

- Well, the teacher replied irritably, "but that is no reason for ARENA. You do not have to be what are your parents. For example, if your mother was a prostitute and drug addict, your father and used vague and playboy, alcoholic and dealer, and your brother a thief, corrupt social misfit, a liar and guebon one will not work, then, do you you'd be?

- FMLN communist Surely, Miss ...


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