Friday, August 27, 2010

Free Rock Star Sheet Music

On your mark, get set ... ... to participate!

On Thursday I was in Mexico City, visit St. Lazarus, in order to obtain information from various representatives, who "legislate in the state congress of Morelos" if you do not get accounts here search for them.

The information would wound the next week, see what happens within the characters to request information, was Deputy Francisco Moreno Merino PRI. What are you doing, match the information he sent me? As I said my personal commitment to social tagging him and others. Why? regret that the company will not commit to his condition, but he loves to criticize without acting on anything, the supposed leaders of civil society and business pull water only for its mill. (Some)

On Monday left a note with Gina Batista Journal of Morelos, where he said that Francisco Merino Moreno declared his intention to govern Morelos. Information is power, as declared by the Deputy, I knew it from Thursday to talk with several national political figures, members of his party and knew it and support it in the high domes PRI also knew of the appointment of Deputy José Manuel Agüero Tovar, as the coordinator of the parliamentary fraction, it is curious, there is not party chairman, who by the way, at last comes the announcement in the coming days and Mr immediate Moreno Merino and official practice of the candidates for governor.

's career apparently is between Francisco Moreno and Graco Ramírez, because I say so, because on Monday 23 in the event, Morelos What we know, Morelos, which exposed my friend Juan José Landa and attended by several personalities of culture, politics and economy Cuernavaca, the issue was precisely the uncovering of the Deputy Moreno Merino, many saw it favorably, others commented that he is the best card that has the PRI at this time, I also found out that I invite Dr. Oscar Dorado (one of the most recognized in the country, the theme of ecology and subject to the same) to exhibit in the gallery of St. Lazarus at the 500 Deputies. Since he lives in Cuernavaca

The deputy, now "Candidate for Governor" if the black will, because if we asked before accounts, accounts will now be very clear about his work, we will see what role does the commission Climate Change, a committee of which is the first Morelense to preside over, if indeed it will, we'll see what kind of man is sensitive and VISION.

If you really have the will ask him to present us with a project that includes citizens, who wish you a Happy Morelos, Educated, Safe, Economically Active tourism to recover, let making a living society as he mentioned. Deputy

, friends columnists, national journalists, society in general, call on us to meet and define the sensitive issues that disturb and disrupt the state of Morelos, of course one of the solutions is that Marco Adame go, however Hologram we'll be stuck and still suffer, but we , and acting and other immediate solutions.

Those who will criticize, it's best to learn, those not participating, it is best to engage those who wish to change this, then go see and proposing solutions to our state, where leaders are different, young people who are interested and understand the great disappointments we have suffered, it is time to do it, men are waiting for leadership arise, create, produce, the "leaders who are" mostly, demonstrated their achievements and submissions to Marco Adame Castillo , even it was the "hope" to many, Mr. Manuel Martinez Garrigos, and sizes were you do not have. These will not change and will always be well with the color it is.

In recent days, talk to my dear friend Gabriel Regino, expert on security issues, city occupied by your country, I ask, if you had the power to do something to address the issue specifically in Morelos, would you do? His answer was: What

addressed in the following areas: Political, Social and reaction

Socially, identify areas and groups at risk and straighten out the policy towards those goals.

Politically, convene a governance scheme (society, municipalities, political parties) with clear objectives

As reagent, reposition the strategy of urban combat despresurizaría prisons, would effect a large number of transfers of federal inmates mostly

would establish coordination and inter- interstate. And of those actions, not INDICATES ONE OR ADDITIONAL WEIGHT OF THE BUDGET.

As you can see we need experts in each subject, friends columnists, reporters, researchers, citizens, YOUTH, go one block integrating ideas, presenting the candidates and to engage in what really is possible and viable, cartridges and do not spend in the air, give concrete solutions. Deputy

Francisco Moreno Merino, accept us as a society to participate? Tell us when we met, we to submit its pre project as Governor, I invite you to climb a route, to travel the district to eat in the market, which should be supported, as many say they can not live with the people of Morelos and tell us who will be part of his cabinet, we are not going to happen what happened in Cuernavaca, here are the results. (Of course, not all are bad)

Finally, talk to my friend Nereo Flag yesterday in Forum for Security and Coexistence in which you ask about the "Tantrum" the Deputy Moreno Merino, his response was, we're friends, I respect and respects me, he knows the ca ... .. Manlio Fabio So for this I ask through agenda for the next week, I answer by the same means please! INFORMATION IS POWER, AND INVITES YOU TO PARTICIPATE! If you want to be bird flies, if you want to be a worm, crawl, but do not scream when you crush. Sincerely

Alberto Mujica




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