Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ibrupofen Patch For Back Pain


OF : Alberto Mujica
A: Felipe Calderon Hinojosa.
President of La Republica Mexicana.

hope your health improves IMMEDIATELY is unfortunate that since you took the "power" you have not been recovered. START THAT BAD, JUST BAD.
already seen many doctors, gurus, shamans, and can not find your condition. Well, this is called JUAN VARGAS VIRUS!

This is a contagious virus, among those taking the "power" generally "presidents" municipal governors, legislators, chambers of commerce! Many there are who care or cure. But let us focus on our own, in my state, in my environment! That it is, so I explain, that breakfast in the market and have dinner at Las Mañanitas (Fancy Restaurant in Cuernavaca) finds one of ALL.

As you know, for what you have, as one struggles to support and not just leave, because the virus that attacks them, as Juan Vargas himself in the movie "The Law Herod, "that we live spitting image from your person Felipe, to more humble people or as you said to the most humble mayor! For that we must have quality of humility and know the dignity of poverty, you do not value! For

knowingly spend with your PROTECTED "Governor" Marco Adame Castillo of (PAN), which has led to My Status to a climate of lawlessness and Vulnerability, the fish dies by his own mouth, which helped by Cedillo, sack Jorge Carrillo Olea . And what accused is now allowed. Now my condition is worse. Emiliano Zapata in Morelos, there is a municipal president, Alberto Figueroa (PRD) ignorant, intolerant, deaf, dumb, incompetent, will be visited by him when he opened the (ISSSTE) I got this, have also Photo Photo Mr. President, laying on the floor a picture of Emiliano Zapata to put his "pretty face" with you in your "privadito."

In Cuernavaca Manuel Martínez Garrigos of (PRI) feel the same, that's weird, because it is a young man of good family, a young "studied" but suffers the same as you and that Zapata Morelos worse, has created an incredible network of business, take out national competition works and has committed to companies with which they have obligation to comply, you just like you again! Pure simulation. Has to be done acquaintances, that when they are no facilities give them economic and even political. Speaking of

SIMULATION, that ran with the DIALOGUE FOR SECURITY? if you called those who should not, Cardinals without any moral quality, and characters that share you that phrase, Whatever you say Mr. President. Simulating

Capos arrests, as I speak of my state, Morelos Arthur was an order put it, before killing Arturo Beltran Leyva, was tortured broke his wrist, gave several cachaça in the head , gouged information arrived items with heat detectors, Department located and how many people had, after a bullet killed him, simulating the full and the worst thing that killed innocent (which you call Side) With Nacho Coronel What happened? And what about the others? Perhaps pure simulation are no longer part of gross domestic product government and the profits generated? How dare

Genaro Garcia Luna to make statements out of context, we, or common sense, saying that private security companies , merged with 40 thousand " guards" to police Post, and other major atrocities but, as the police only, but of course and one head, one trading, sharing the cake so I, not they or it will not Federal Secretary of Public Safety? Felipe

you request it, I demand it, write accounts that handle national security, perhaps not doubt yourself and your collaborators? O complicity is very embarrassing? What happened to all the money confiscated?

Answer? No, you do not, I ask you, you take the call MANUEL ESPINO (PAN), remember? He lives in Juarez in his book detailing the future that is My Status, Morelos and gives the solution to Juarez, a group of citizens with specialists, who know their land, because they know of his heart.

Monterrey have a character like Federico Arreola (Obrador), other Fernández Noronha with a group of citizens wanting a better country, a better state, a better city, but most of all, I am sure you agree with me all a better society.
Here in Morelos as people with talent who do not charge you for the advice, we will give you what you need, not what you ask! And without charging a weight since each state has its particularity, its identity, we live here and feel what happens.

not all your fault, we live in a society unfortunately very cowardly, if we see that the neighbor is beaten, we do not help, but when we suffer the same, we want it, we help ourselves, politically ignorant , emphasize critical policy much talent in Mexico, we are all diamonds in the rough, you just have to polish our talents, and you as rulers rely on what we need. The micro entrepreneur, trader, athlete, artist, salesman, the elderly, the disabled, homosexuals, caring environment and to the animals themselves always encounter the same BUREAUCRACY unwillingness and humility to help others.

Philip wrote to you before, now I demand you change the direction, change strategy, change, listen, practice humility, more polished sense of hearing, for you it is " JUSTICE as I ask the ABC affected mother is having overlapping Mario Marin and do not help Lydia Cacho? generation for you job is? the EMS, the Canaanites, the Pasta de Conchos, MEXICAN, The closure of thousands of shades due to lack of sales, hotels on the verge of bankruptcy because there are no tourists in Morelos? Education is for you, Elba Esther Gordillo allow further lacerating the SNTE imparting his education law? that the union did not play? for you it's MEXICO? Already a "president" for this wanted to be? The traffic is not going to end, the most rewarding product at this time, is drugs, weapons, human organs, products like clothing, cars, influences, That is also traffic. Not simulate more! MANY

CIRTICAMOS, few act, many say, other preachers, Lots of yelling, others thought, FELIPE'S SOLUTION. I ask you, want to be cured of this virus you talk, or want to have the same end of the character? An inflamed Village? Man creates his own history, passing to it as the decision, or even having had to be nothing and no one in space, from the Greeks and Romans and has been.

Now Don Porfirio Salinas Heat, Black Durazo and some others fall short with you, as I said the fish dies by his own mouth!

Again if you want help, habemos generate many jobs, we learn every day, we must fight, you have to learn from others, you have to support each other, that we learn, but above all we want a better country, a better society if we think the same thing here to help, but mostly to help Mexico.

As you may have noticed, ALL PARTIES ARE THE SAME AS THAT ARE DIFFERENT CONTROL AND THOSE INVOLVED IN THEM, LEARN TO VOTE FOR THE PERSON AND YOUR CAREER, YOUR COMPANY HAS ALLOWED AS partidocracia, WE MUST VOTE GOOD CANDIDATE, OR THE BEST? To promote unity and help to give direction to the country, your state, your city, your town, your neighborhood and your street education, unity and communion we will be better citizens.

If you want to be bird flies, if you want to be a worm, crawl, but do not scream when you crush. (Emiliano Zapata)


you say? CAREFULLY

Alberto Mujica


Twitter: 7771615104



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