Friday, October 1, 2010

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MAYOR she suffered a heart! SUCCESSFUL WOMEN

Mayor Cuernavaca she suffered a heart!

few days ago, chatting with several friends in the city of Cuernavaca, observations tell me how badly this Administration, Manuel Martínez Garrigos (which I appreciate) and therefore have to let you know as always, your mistakes!

One was to have put his MAT Erik And Salgado Fernandez, young Ahuatepec, where the only merit to be, what is said, was to have been campaigning in the same town with Manuel, as our mayor lives there! Young

no political experience, without the necessary contacts, no touch, no art, no joke, remember how you answered the former PRI governor (Jorge Carrillo Olea) a letter that sends him to the Mayor ! Asking what more we ask at the time and now we ask loudly LISTEN, THAT WE HELP? And consequently, the time has proved us right, but the mayor stopped answering her phone "live" many and many. (With the sole purpose of helping, but not collect on the payroll) as there were many, now-post "Fees" Examples?

For the inexperienced Erik And Salgado F, which probably did not know, or has given a salute to the former governor (Jorge Carrillo Olea), strike him in a paper they wrote, because it has the capacity or cunning, to write clucking response, which of course I miss TOUCH and forceful. As many of the actions that the mayor has done, with this character.

Another serious errors of this inexperienced "politician " (said Don Lauro) Give Power of One Month, See How It's Pa, already given more than a month and has shown his incompetence as president of the PRI municipal "and worse, has led him and a group of opportunists, a series of resentments and conflicts within the council especially in key positions have important, not what hurt him the worst is that damage to the Mayor, and the consequences we pay Cuernavaca citizens now if as my friend Juan Juarez Rivas , Children Garrigos know, serious and very worrying! Even with a lot of characters around him, willing to help, but not heard! PASA, SECURITY, ADMINISTRATION, all this has a solution, but surrounding himself with inexperienced people, and the worst WITHOUT HUNGER TO LEARN, so this like this repeat our mayor and our beloved Cuauhnáhuac UNEMPLOYED, A POINT OF COLLAPSE.

need reconciliation with society, if you go with boleros, taxi drivers, talacheros, no complaints, if you go to high domes and social elites, is the same, similar complaints, although long economic distances .

Manuel reconciled with society, not aspire to be governor, it is best work at this time to benefit the city for the benefit of your Party and supporters for the benefit of us as citizens we trust, there is still hope, political problems and negotiations cupulares, leave, we are seeing and feeling those in the power struggle, reminds you won through the union of all groups, who sat all the players, now re-unite them, and ghosts take off, take off and stay away from those that harm the city. Our Cuauhnáhuac

Here is an excerpt of the article that my friend and I shared Esquinca Vianey admired!

Fortune tellers or prophets come in all kinds for all audiences needs or interests, whether they are called Nostradamus, Walter Mercado, Madame Zazu, the Octopus Mani Paul or the parrot?

the presidency of Felipe Calderon could not be the exception. Prophet also has its header, and is not a psychic either, is one of international stature who probably has not realized the power of their predictions. The Colombian Gabriel García Márquez is not only one of the most important writers of English-speaking, but the titles of his books seem to be prophecies of what happens in Mexican politics.

Felipe Calderón should feel as if One Hundred Years of Solitude. Two years after the next presidential election, The PAN is facing a political and social environment very adverse. The President has no one writes or even a person who negotiates or who take up for him. His cabinet is blurred and his political party not given enough support.

also negotiating the budget has become a Memoir of My Melancholy Whores, because as every year, blackmail are put on the agenda and no one is willing to compromise if you do not receive anything in return.
Every murder of a mayor becomes the Chronicle of a Death Foretold and News of a Kidnapping has become daily information in the media. To add

taste the broth, Vicente Fox and Calderon sang his Autumn of the Patriarch saying that the PRI will certainly return to power in 2012 and dares to give advice on how to manage a country, forgetting that most of the situation faced today by the Mexican and he nearly lost the presidency in the hands of the PRD for all the stories told and the promises never fulfilled.

To close the box, not only in Mexico the president has problems in the United States ahead of the midterm elections that will take place in November, some governors and U.S. congressmen have hardened their anti-immigrant discourse, determined to take away the peasants who leave the country in search of a better life, a chance to say when she was happy and undocumented.

seems Esquinca Vianey visit our dear and beautiful state, Morelos! It seems that also speaks of you say " Governor" Hologram Marco Adame Castillo, to your step, something bad happens, name Manuel Martinez Garrigos could integrate same story, but it is a strike, not the End!

If you need anything from town hall, it is best to tell me their need to channel and resolve, I know what I can, we will open the doors!

Sincerely Alberto Mujica

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