Friday, November 26, 2010

Colorado Id Templates



I read your column today in the Journal D and Morelos entitled "The Business Group Morelos , which addresses various issues related to the activity of that group which you belong, including the weekly breakfast, which mentioned" not is not easy for partners to reach number comfortably to their places to hear first (emphasis mine) the municipal historian, referring indirectly to you, and put it in capital letters showing his great egotism and vanity, because it is not of a proper name, the same applies for president or a mayor.

Few know, because you told a person, recognized as few within and outside our state), that the appointment of municipal reporter got it going on the will of the rest of those writers are members of the council, whose members are characters more deserving than you to hold that appointment. This earned him the current mayor, Manuel Martínez Garrigós, in open collusion with you because it is a person "like", and was not taken the view the rest of those on the Council of reporters, which is in session without you because hold great differences due to its ambition, which could satisfy the charge to get the title individual. In short, gave a coup.

mentioned also that the founders of the "yearning for participatory democracy in the country and the progressive momentum of the member companies' ... Thanks to the policy followed by the current board has been jettisoned and critical hard work that characterized previous administrations. The GEM no longer represent anyone, has no voice or vote. Not to criticize the attitude or the petal of a rose to the bad leaders and elected representatives, has positioned itself as a forum for self-praise in which awards are given crappy, whose recipients are selected by two or three people in an authoritarian manner, and whose laws allow the president to inherit the purest style monarchy, so the "participatory democracy" that preaches only exists in the minds of a few.

Membership has dropped dramatically and is virtually nonexistent, making it a "group of buddies" in appointing the "presidents of academies and members in robes and medals, typical of judges, lawyers and professors to satisfy his megalomania. You are a worthy representative of this fauna, as has been used to for GEM Recently he was appointed municipal historian and president of the Academy of chronic Benemid ... ... (which spawn in name). Nor is academia nor praiseworthy. If it was a time, its current leaders have put paid to the spirit that motivated its founding. Speakers and guests at their breakfasts, and the topics covered are fed up irrelevant in contrast to the problems facing our city and state.

A group such as the GEM , that holds as a collaboration of state and municipal governments, contribute little or nothing to contribute or to remedy or correct deviations incurred therefore also can be described as disregard to the disastrous and illegal actions of their present rulers.

you do not have the courage to mention my name mentioned in his column, and we both know that the comment below is directed to whom it agrees, I will if I have the courage to face it, because I have more moral authority than you. As I say, think and write is not the highest bidder or to get some office or position, as is the case. Despite my youth (which is curable with time, not the lack of values \u200b\u200band convictions for allegedly fighting), I have more maturity and experience you, as it not only acquired over the years, but have watered by people who are my guide, confident and inspiration. I have the humility to accept it. You feel God and that only what he thinks and says is the truth. Their stories are simplistic and urban areas. I recommend you read Valentín González, Pablo Ruben Villalobos, Jesus Perez Uruñuela, Carlos Lavin, Teodoro Lavin, Juan José Landa Avila, among others, whose feathers if they are content.

Yes, I aspired to GEM partner, but the lack of tolerance and constructive criticism by the board that you part, I took the decision to no longer attend a weekly breakfast (which I did for five years) which wastes time and nothing paid to our personal development and comprehensive.

The views expressed in the GEM breakfast which was attended by the mayor, Manuel Martínez Garrigós to evaluate the first hundred days of his administration have been supported by the facts absolute majority of society and the mainstream media as the newspaper in which you write (or did not read?) What have felt the mayor that the militant group that "their reporter" and flaunts it, Entrepreneur of the Year awarded to Miguel Angel Bracamontes, when the Journal of Morelos has s been the most vocal critic of the administration Garrigosa? "In this case, you will also criticize the attitude of its supreme leader DDM, Miguel Angel Bracamontes? Perhaps he is also inexperienced and immature, or insolent brat as expressed at the time?

Mr. Victor Tape: congruence, which I hope you know what they mean, only people have free because they are not subject to whims.

I greet with affection.

Alberto Mujica

Twitter: @ ALBERTOMUJICA # / Profile.php id = 100001630264439 & v = wall & wall


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bearded Dragon Emoticon

CNFL Gold Award and thanks. CNFL

with great pride and great satisfaction, on November 17 in Asuncion, Paraguay, participated in the ceremony Awards conducted by the Regional Energy Integration Commission (CIER ) for utilities in Latin America.

Awards are based on surveys of customers of 58 companies from 14 countries in the region, which serve more than one hundred million people.
For the second time, the Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y \u200b\u200bLuz won the Gold (first place) in the category of companies with up to 500,000 customers.

This has been thanks to the extraordinary efforts they have made any and all officials of the National Power Company and light, and again as important challenges in maintaining current face recognition throughout Latin America, but mainly for our customers.

addition, this year we also obtained a special mention our work in Social Responsibility. This is of great importance for Social Responsibility is an extremely strategic to our company where we develop an outstanding community work, environmental protection and safety and workers.

officials are those who have made this great success of the CNFL, we feel extremely happy for that extra work, which is recognized beyond our borders and leads to further engage with customers and with our beloved company.

With love as always, receive my deepest gratitude. Mr. Pablo Cob

will be released on the website by clicking read more

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tekonsha 2030 Mark 12


Tyrants are surrounded by men bad because they like to be flattered and no high-minded man flatter them. (Aristotle) \u200b\u200b

narco-mail The truth is that neither is Narco, nor is mail. The thing that is Marco and half G ... .... will not you agree?

How is it possible that a "governor" does not give the face a situation of such magnitude that we are safe GOVERNOR give a come out and say: This Friday night, I invite you to dinner out with family, I am with you in the center, See you there!

But I know, not make fun of me, do not dream it? it is not a dream and is a relief, is that the Secretary of Public Safety Cuernavaca, (Mauricio Vega) is a learned man in the field and immediately commented as follows on a social network: Through the Internet has delivered a message that allegedly warned of a confrontation between cells involved in organized crime state, trying to create confusion. In this regard I call not to be intimidated by these messages and enjoy this period of complete rest in ca lma and enjoy the attractions Cuernavaca.

It confirmed what we had asked the other hand, because I had contacted another great character and an expert on the subject, saying that there was no need to worry, as the body of the mail, did not correspond at nothing, something that was organized crime, which was an email to create confusion .

Ojala has not left the executive offices of the famous mail, alerting people of Cuernavaca an alleged " curfew " God forbid! For Curfew referred to the prohibition established by governmental bodies, to move freely through the streets of a city, all to "ensure peace and prevent chaos", for which use is made of military. Why a few effective arrived yesterday?

The times are lived in Morelos, are like a pressure cooker, yesterday I came the news that a teacher was killed, a friend tells me that he stole everything, they paid just two weeks and stayed with nothing to be friends because there is no investment opportunities to ensure a good business, others go because they kidnapped a family and the attorney no justice, unfortunately the state, as the country is on autopilot and the course is chopped.

"Governor of Morelos" Marco Antonio Adame Castillo is surrounded by bad guys, Panista of a very select group, clear the "holy family" which is neither sacred nor is "family" so if you could say is that they are sacred business, thus aiding and encouraging people to get key for "no" say nothing, suspected nothing.

is very worrying thing about Luis Angel Cabeza De Vaca now in prison, but the PAN, are surprising, as there Security is nothing more fatal even " administration of justice " are three words that do not exist in the dictionary Marco Antonio Adame Castillo, but cynicism, corruption, failure, simulation, death, impunity, yes, that's what looks alone.

We must question the status of the Office of the State of Morelos, this video is very troubling, serious, so ask the staff attorney. Judge for yourself! Beltran Leyva the truth behind the brutal picture v = 0hHvjIzXO6Y & feature = related

What we have to wait for the Morelos to require impeachment?

is not anything more demanding, as citizens we also have influence in appointments, in the proposal and not just criticism, I know, these Panista not listen, or accept criticism, much less the proposal, but it is time to change, you need to recover our state, because if when finished the six years, we will see desert.

The next governor I am sure, will come with all the desire to help and to change the situation, because you must be a decent man, a man who shows work, it manages, has experience in administration and is a worthy representative, away from gossiping and questioning, was found with many parts to rebuild, and more willing to bring, you will see difficult and took longer to recover.

us is the obligation of citizens to hold impeachment NOW!

're not bad mate or slanderer of good.

Sincerely your friend and servant.

Alberto Mujica


Facebook: . php? Aid = 14850 & id = 100001630264439 # / profile.php? Id = 100001630264439

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Have Syst In My Testcal What To Do


man is useless to complain of the times in which they live. The only good thing you can do is try to improve.

On Friday, November 5 to be more precise was included in the agenda of the congress of Morelos "a strong call to the governor of Morelos for accountable and will clarify many things "(lot of things I would say) two days after periodicaso in Reforma, but curiously cancel the session and there was light, at least until one afternoon, what happens in the state is already unsustainable, can not defend the indefensible, and cover the sun with a pesos, which is already clearly evident.

can not say with certainty that the "governor" Marco Adame Castillo, has or had ties to organized crime , what is certain, is to require clarification by these unfortunate rumors, dignity should undergo extensive research and clear. Although, shame, dignity, ethics, humility, not in the dictionary Marco Antonio Adame Castillo, like many other honorable qualifiers.

The "governor" nor govern has been serving and has served the holy family, many of the "works" which he says deliver, are donations from the private to the state of Morelos, is invited to cut ribbons, but for nothing mere formality, that if he were, would be at home in Actors, resources have been returned to public work, because there are no projects, both in security for "Governor Hologram" no future Morelos and only business is to buy consciences so that he can continue with their businesses, some legitimate, others do not know!

It is possible that a "governor" not known or suspected not on what his Secretary of Public Safety, as was the case also Javier Lopez Sanchez his former super secretary perhaps they do not know govern? Sorry, I just made a silly question, it is clear that no government, at least for the people of Morelos, but for its "Sagrada Familia", that certainly tells me a friend of mine, which routes the pines at the soldier, who says running the country, nor is it one, nor is the other.

Assuming no be published as of REFORMA, Is not it enough what has been happening? From the Narco Posada, the death of Marcos Arturo Beltran Leyva Don, arrested Cabeza De Vaca, Members should turn the red flags in the legislature, the famous mail of "Curfew", which is no doubt that it was a hoax, and so far has not clarified the "cyber police" cacaraqueo both the Sovereign (CPS insurance or other and have given results) should also alert decision makers far of security, "Governor Hologram" has sunk the problem of teachers' movement Bases, by the way, thanks to Don Carlos Ruiz Venegas and a Server, supported by our committed team of the Downtown Merchants Association Historic, freed the streets of downtown, that the "governor" never received the leaders and had to get to the repression (repression that we disapprove and condemn) even when supposedly serious dialogue through us, meaning through the Ex senior officer Victor Mendoza, never we notice, does that was not enough for impeachment? Here we remind the event of repression.

take me pages for display to the "governor of Morelos Marco Antonio Adame Castillo , but let the subject that corresponds Marco Adame has earned an impeachment , this trial is the responsibility of the "legislators" take it to the last current THEREFORE, should remember that many of those who are now , owed to the teachers and the surfeit of ill PAN governments in the state, his seat, several have been enriched Moreover, the overnight. Fernando Martinez Cue truth? course, you have lawmakers also have a strong commitment to society and I know his work .

Let him the benefit of the doubt to our current legislators, or deputies, clarified that there is one other deputy, who does not know what it is to be legislator, much less know, that's what is done in the camera, it is important that someone loses the fear of not receiving more "pennies" or have another type of repression, because we know how to play Marco Adame Castillo, to a certain bishop, said it was worse than the church and the far right.

So Adame said the April 2, 1998 ... confirm that violence remains the language of those who have no reason and who, out of arguments and legal support and dominated by primitive instincts, have opted for the uncompromising defense of a governor who, as we stated in This forum has been damaged by its omissions and cover-normal life of the institutions and has caused serious damage to society and as a result has earned the distrust of the governed. (Here we might add more, but let's leave it as is)

Do not remember this Marco Adame Castillo? Forgive a silly question, and no word, has no memory.

We as citizens require impeachment Marco Adame Castillo, both boast of Judgement they did to Don Jorge Carrillo Olea , leaders of chambers, associations made, groups, Now I myself do not understand that self amordasan and say it was for less, now more and commitment to ourselves, with family, with the city and state, which has given us lot and because the misrule of the PAN, we lose everything. HE NEED SOME!

In the words of Marco Adame, with necessary modifications: demand, on behalf of society in general, the resignation of Marco Adame Castillo for governor of De Morelos State, it is inadmissible continue giving such pedestrian exercise in the government he leads. We reiterate our position aimed to initiate impeachment against Marco Antonio Adame Castillo here falls short Rep.

We do not want that because of the deputies who were neglectful, indifferent, or worse, which is not a to think that the arrangements are under water, the Morelos state longer and become a branch of Chihuahua and Cuernavaca's "eternal spring, to be called (Cuernavaca the hottest place). And not because of organized crime, NO, because of override a governor and I may be wrong, guilty of murder of innocent people, what they call collateral damage! By omission, incompetence, a history will judge him, Members present when the judge in the elections to come, go and ask for the vote! By default, corruption, complicity, or having swum in a dead man? To see that it is not the periodicaso this will suffer from the start of the administration.


Alberto Mujica


PD here can also see the faults of the governor of Morelos, OUR GOVERNOR HOLOGRAM. Http://

Monday, November 8, 2010

Where Do Abnormal Cells Come From

A message for Genaro Garcia Luna few days ago a friend too shared what he observed below these lines are read, I see the "Federal Public Safety Secretary" need to be helped, so I dare to share the following, especially those who have to take responsibility for our safety and certain topics, some very delicate and sensitive, I'm sure the "competent" authorities are unable or unwilling to see .

We go to the paramilitary forces

In the most logical, given the disaster Felipe Calderón and drugs, but logically no longer terrible, that gradually emerge data no evidence of the creation of paramilitary forces as a manifestation of social protection that in comparison to what happened in other countries, end up being a terrible calamity. End up being worse than what they intended to extinguish. The driver of this is evidence of the government's inability to handle security .

The concept of paramilitary forces referred to private organizations that have a similar structure and discipline to an army, but are not part of the military forces of a State. Paramilitary organizations are generally outlawed, its creation, forces, troops, weapons and equipment have not been accredited by any authority. Among its members can be police, mercenaries, members of squads of assault or private security groups.

much stress What matters is that they are private forces not obey orders from the government and not just for not obeying who created them. At least as a definition of themselves as "enemies of a corrupt and incompetent." Often end up criminal gangs. Are at greater risk. If your home is awarded to an ideology, be instruments of warfare of a far right.

There is a close relationship between militarization of cities and towns, as both cases in Mexico, Monterrey paradigmatically or Ciudad Juárez and the actions of death squads. This happened in El Salvador death squads in Nicaragua, the Contras, in Guatemala, with kaibiles and in Mexico initially elite military groups, arising in the administration of Ernesto Zedillo, which ultimately would become Los Zetas.

operate in Morelia and platoons have been calling itself the Omega. There are traces of other cells in Ciudad Juarez, Monterrey, and are already old in Chiapas, there calling themselves social defense forces. In Guerrero are fully visible. There on the Mountain, flaunt their deep social sense. Taught to cultivate, teach crafts, how to exercise the trade-wage! and more ... Honor the flag and wearing military uniforms. All that remains a mystery, the worst thing is knowing who is funding so burdensome expense.

the late 70's in El Salvador, came the death squads, at first, killing prostitutes, drug addicts, a thief, gays, poor people living in crime, all to win the approval of population, which frowned upon the "social cleansing." When the work of conviction was made, of course supported by the media through dissemination encomiastic, then began to kill union leaders, students, teachers, journalists, priests.

This is an issue over how much is at risk. Is he sufficiently alerted the federal government? If it is, no sign in any way. You may think, in a sample of the incredible state of ignorance and insensitivity in which he lives, that if these paramilitary forces there, should not cause any concern. Presumably Calderon currency would be taken as "no more problems, I do not want cheese."

However, the nagging is redundant, is his eternal words: "Everything is fine, everything is considered. Everything is under control. " The reality is that this omission could be another huge mistake like that of January 10, 2007 was declared a war to death against organized crime, and today, who is closer to death is not exactly the cosmos offense. But finally, who cares about the country? Source: JCO


Alberto Mujica


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Corningware French White Dinnerware



So, the mayor of Cuernavaca has fallen from the pedestal of hope, where many we had, where many put it, realize that the demand was too risky, but promising more than he could give was worse, That made the first mistake!

Garrigos Mayor Manuel Martinez has fallen for society and is indifferent to many, for others it is a burden to others, it is a poor president, not to say the least.

Yesterday in his first government report, it noted the casualties it has had, his voice breaking, at times it was thought that I had wanted to mourn, others commented that it was the cold that seeped and at about 7pm, his sight and his strength was not the same as when I was campaigning that day difference was sworn in as mayor of the city of Cuernavaca.

perfect remember that day, I was sitting 2 places next to the wife of the new mayor, Teopanzolco Auditorium to overflowing, people could not, in the front row the mayor's family together, barely missing one of them, national political analysts, journalists from national and local reputation, the people's friend Joan Sebastian, most incoming members, the wife of "governor" of Morelos, Maricela Girl (Velazquez), daughter of Maricela Sanchez, Don Antonio Jorge Carrillo Olea and Rivapalacio (former Governor of Morelos) also Barud Jorge Morales and García Rubí, many PRI level, Governor Ulises Ruiz, the second error, be invited to this character.

The back of the formed a select number of local leaders from different organizations, internationally recognized artists such as Victor Contreras, leaders such as Don Carlos Ruiz Venegas, Tito Barrera, the movement of teachers, the list is very long and nurtured by the quality and leadership of the characters. Sure, do not miss the occasional opportunist to the bottom of society to support the mayor cheering, clapping, that euphoria was hoping to Cuernavaca, was the "leader" we needed and we trusted.

The template with the new council, complete, Congress President and the "Governor" Marco Adame, the mayor took vigorous protest, thanked everyone and also suppressed when the state governor came to him mints and whistles, is up and said, "silence and respect "and wonder at the time, perhaps the governor deserve any respect? Authoritatively to be silent protesters who stood up and left was the third error, from that day to date, mistakes have become a big, big snowball!

The mayor has fallen, his first government report, desolate, with a lot of empty chairs, with two local MP, The Opportunist thousand parts, Fernando Martinez and Fidel Demedisis Cue, few mayors, two federal deputies , a carry of people, a small group of supporters of Amado Orihuela, which already has the support and backing of the mayor, Ulises Ruiz, Mario Marín (the Gober precious) that has nothing beautiful, it goes without linking him to organized crime in the state of Morelos, and with these white collar criminals, but filthy, STOP, to see which way the PRI would in Morelos, but or we get there and win the "best" Sitting

this time behind the mayor's family, was only sister and her boyfriend, the father and the wife of Manuel Martínez Garrigos, the aldermen incomplete, few clerks, present in the first government report of the mayor of Cuernavaca. Where were the leaders, the PRI level, former governors, artists, the general public a year ago?

The repression was again, a group of young people who are against bullfighting and one that is against the misrule and the second floor in the Plan of Ayala Avenue, were fashioned, it was necessary to "silence and respect "Just look towards the protesters, that were immediately repressed, beaten and taken the" Pharaonic "event, which must have cost us a lot of money to the capital, because the mayor line the streets, he was seen on billboards in Highway, at each pole of the streets of Cuernavaca, with the invitation to give us, "clear accounts", which is the same gruel with your finger.

The accounts
says he attended more than 800 thousand people in the Thursday citizens, which gave 90% solution, then where they were yesterday, at least half of those people who will solve the problem? That safety is multiplied, then do not process at 88 and 120 patrol officers are arrested for being in poor condition?

On security, we must recognize the tact that he had to invite Chavaje Mauricio Vega, hopefully the mayor listens and supports the initiative of the new secretary of public safety, public works have made large investments, of course, a large investment is such that the famous Red Dragon, which leads months stood at the side of the court Ocotepec and has not been used for the re Enclose the streets are littered with potholes and small lakes, if you generate spending, but do not see the investment in the issue of garbage have saved 3.5 million dollars for public works, and where are reversed? if the city is just as dirty, with the governments of tar, from right, fascist, corrupt, as he called them in his "Report of Findings" to the previous mayors, certainly PAN. Complicity?

The mayor has fallen, the message of his "report" was, learn from my mentors and my friends, Ulises Ruiz, Mario Marín, fully support Amado Orihuela, to a new PRI working for you, "working for you" is now clear for whom the message is and who works for the mayor of Cuernavaca. But certainly for me, not society!

I hope I can get out of so precipitous fall, I hope he is correct and can correct the course of their misrule, hopefully not a repeat of his predecessors a good friend told me one day, the mayor began badly, first is given and then in politics, is it? If it would apply it not to say that was a very, very bad government, the mayor who was the hope for those who live in Cuernavaca


Alberto Mujica


Friday, November 5, 2010

How Do Direct Drive Turntables Connect

Dear customer due to the national Emergence declared by the Government of the Republic, the Company advised that National Power and Light will be providing 24-hour personalized artención Friday, Saturday and Sunday through 800energía phone number (800 3637442)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Cake Decoration For Goodbye

win prizes CIER 2010

La Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y \u200b\u200bLuz, SA is credited with Gold Award for the second time, after winning first place in category up to 500,000 customers and also received a Special Mention to "Mayor Evaluation in Social Responsibility. "

ICE won the category Bronze (third place) in the group of companies with more than 500,000 consumers

Recognition Group encourages ICE to continue working hard in the sustained improvement of the quality of electric service, contributing to the welfare in Latin American region, which is precisely the objective of the CIER.
The survey assesses variables related to energy supply, electricity bill, customer service, information and communication and corporate image.

The results were announced in Guayaquil, Ecuador, as part of the final meeting of the Working Group (representatives of the participating companies), held in the first week of October.

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