Friday, November 19, 2010

Tekonsha 2030 Mark 12


Tyrants are surrounded by men bad because they like to be flattered and no high-minded man flatter them. (Aristotle) \u200b\u200b

narco-mail The truth is that neither is Narco, nor is mail. The thing that is Marco and half G ... .... will not you agree?

How is it possible that a "governor" does not give the face a situation of such magnitude that we are safe GOVERNOR give a come out and say: This Friday night, I invite you to dinner out with family, I am with you in the center, See you there!

But I know, not make fun of me, do not dream it? it is not a dream and is a relief, is that the Secretary of Public Safety Cuernavaca, (Mauricio Vega) is a learned man in the field and immediately commented as follows on a social network: Through the Internet has delivered a message that allegedly warned of a confrontation between cells involved in organized crime state, trying to create confusion. In this regard I call not to be intimidated by these messages and enjoy this period of complete rest in ca lma and enjoy the attractions Cuernavaca.

It confirmed what we had asked the other hand, because I had contacted another great character and an expert on the subject, saying that there was no need to worry, as the body of the mail, did not correspond at nothing, something that was organized crime, which was an email to create confusion .

Ojala has not left the executive offices of the famous mail, alerting people of Cuernavaca an alleged " curfew " God forbid! For Curfew referred to the prohibition established by governmental bodies, to move freely through the streets of a city, all to "ensure peace and prevent chaos", for which use is made of military. Why a few effective arrived yesterday?

The times are lived in Morelos, are like a pressure cooker, yesterday I came the news that a teacher was killed, a friend tells me that he stole everything, they paid just two weeks and stayed with nothing to be friends because there is no investment opportunities to ensure a good business, others go because they kidnapped a family and the attorney no justice, unfortunately the state, as the country is on autopilot and the course is chopped.

"Governor of Morelos" Marco Antonio Adame Castillo is surrounded by bad guys, Panista of a very select group, clear the "holy family" which is neither sacred nor is "family" so if you could say is that they are sacred business, thus aiding and encouraging people to get key for "no" say nothing, suspected nothing.

is very worrying thing about Luis Angel Cabeza De Vaca now in prison, but the PAN, are surprising, as there Security is nothing more fatal even " administration of justice " are three words that do not exist in the dictionary Marco Antonio Adame Castillo, but cynicism, corruption, failure, simulation, death, impunity, yes, that's what looks alone.

We must question the status of the Office of the State of Morelos, this video is very troubling, serious, so ask the staff attorney. Judge for yourself! Beltran Leyva the truth behind the brutal picture v = 0hHvjIzXO6Y & feature = related

What we have to wait for the Morelos to require impeachment?

is not anything more demanding, as citizens we also have influence in appointments, in the proposal and not just criticism, I know, these Panista not listen, or accept criticism, much less the proposal, but it is time to change, you need to recover our state, because if when finished the six years, we will see desert.

The next governor I am sure, will come with all the desire to help and to change the situation, because you must be a decent man, a man who shows work, it manages, has experience in administration and is a worthy representative, away from gossiping and questioning, was found with many parts to rebuild, and more willing to bring, you will see difficult and took longer to recover.

us is the obligation of citizens to hold impeachment NOW!

're not bad mate or slanderer of good.

Sincerely your friend and servant.

Alberto Mujica


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