Monday, November 1, 2010

Cake Decoration For Goodbye

win prizes CIER 2010

La Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y \u200b\u200bLuz, SA is credited with Gold Award for the second time, after winning first place in category up to 500,000 customers and also received a Special Mention to "Mayor Evaluation in Social Responsibility. "

ICE won the category Bronze (third place) in the group of companies with more than 500,000 consumers

Recognition Group encourages ICE to continue working hard in the sustained improvement of the quality of electric service, contributing to the welfare in Latin American region, which is precisely the objective of the CIER.
The survey assesses variables related to energy supply, electricity bill, customer service, information and communication and corporate image.

The results were announced in Guayaquil, Ecuador, as part of the final meeting of the Working Group (representatives of the participating companies), held in the first week of October.

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