Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Can I Get High From Benzonatate


I tried to get my name no longer appeared in the media for protecting my family and because I do not want to live another chapter of pain, enough after life by now everyone knows Mauritius.

I can not stay silent when they saw and heard an ad so full of lies like the FMLN Happy Mother program, a program that not only defend people who believe in abortion, but Mauricio himself, someone who has complied with or the own mother of his children.

is it that someone who made life miserable for me and my son says that respect from mothers who are pregnant, if when I cradled her son Mauricio daily discussions with so many came to blows times.

How can you say that there will be free medicines and food aid to the mother if he had no attention to his family and the problems he came to court just to make longer martyrdom.

How is it possible that Maurice says that children will be safe if he had no desire to be a devoted father with them, never came close to giving them what they need, even the love that every child needs. Jandro and rest in peace, after Mauricio never had time to attend to and prosecute him in the right direction.

This program The Happy Mother, could not be designed by Maurice, can not be supported by someone who does not understand what is its purpose. Neither he nor those who support abortion can tell people overnight to ensure mothers and their children.

This letter does not do it for politics, but in my role as a mother who suffered the promises it made me
Mauritius and then break them and take me for a time of suffering, the same man who now wants govern the country. Regina CaƱas


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