Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mustache Guy On Funbrain

The Lord of Nuclear Position of Regina Cañas

Miguel Menéndez, coffee and owner of COSASE

A Miguel Menendez likes the good life only smokes Cohiba cigars imported from Cuba $ 17, collects luxury watches such as Rolex or Cartier, have a yacht of over 140 thousand dollars and never gets into a vehicle if it is not shielded, unless any of its expensive race cars with racing every week, betting thousands of dollars.

Both Miguel Menendez, who calls Mecafé, as Mauricio Funes likes luxuries and are known for their lust for power and his arrogance. No wonder they are both in the Amigos de Mauricio Funes, the FMLN acuerpa institution and which seek to sell the idea that civil society is in favor of the left radical.

But where Mecafé out money? The answer is easy: the sale of weapons and a huge army to rent with your security company COSASE.

Mauricio Funes FMLN and talk of bringing security to the Salvadorans, but safety is a big business of Miguel Menendez who is the biggest arms dealer in the country and he rents the services of each guard is $ 450 and a bodyguard for 800, although only paid the minimum wage. Besides working long hours, low wages, the great friend who claims to be champion of the poor Salvadorans do not pay social security for workers, so the hundreds of employees who have are at the mercy of diseases. This is worse in the countryside, where its farmers earn only $ 80 a month and no other benefit than their meager salaries. But all this silent former journalist.

Miguel Menéndez is helping finance the campaign of Mauricio Funes no friendship, but because that would mean the government would give juicy contracts and the company would most benefit and it would become even richer than it already is.

Do not be fooled.


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