Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rubber Bands To Hold Trash Liner

Alberto Cañas Letter


Company Manager National Power and Light. SO

Dear Mr. Manager:

I write because I need to express my appreciation of Costa Rica for the good treatment that the citizens receive CNFL, specifically and in one case, the undersigned.
On Tuesday 14, at about 6 pm there was a power outage in the neighborhood of La Granja, San Pedro, where I live and which lasted until 9 in the evening. This background led me not to be alarmed when Wednesday 15, at midmorning, there was at my house a new blackout, which I presumed general and should accept with patience. But as the day progressed, making sure that I left on the sidewalk where she was home alone off, while other were those of the street as well as others around the corner.
Alarmed, I called by telephone to the CNFL. And to my surprise, the phone man attended a strange thing in public institutions of this country. A lady kindly asked me all the information in my possession, I asked them critically details, and told me that will occupy as soon as possible to the case, though, to occur on a holiday, had less staff on hand than usual, and would take longer than usual to solve the case.
Duly warned, I did not expect an immediate solution, but it's true that, holiday or not, actually attended the complaint and the strength and light returned to the affected houses before the night made it impossible to normal activity.
is surprising in Costa Rica present a public institution that is conducted with the correction, kindness, courtesy and respect that you received in the runs, so I ask you excuse me for having given the publicity this letter before be sure that you've received. Your affectionate friend and servant.
Alberto Cañas
Advocate at the University of Costa Rica. Doctor Honoris Causa by the Federated University of Costa Rica. Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Estatal a Distancia. Member of the Bar Association, the Association of Journalists. Director-Founder of the Republic (1950-1952), Editor and founder of Excelsior (1974-1978). Co-Director of the National Cultural Review (1988 -) and critical.
REPUBLIC is a columnist for some 25 years.


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