Monday, January 31, 2011

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The life of Rosa has not been easy, is the oldest of 4 brothers, one died and the others scattered in the republic, who can not how sick this Rosa, but because she managed to get ahead because from very small to support them, stepmother forced her to work for their "brothers" yet not see her, her father died when she was a child.

A early age (21 years) Rosa had to marry because she met the father of her daughters in a ball and becomes pregnant, he, a young man from "good families" take it home to his parents, he was a young man without a trade, or profit, later Rosa, with skills as a cook had put his first restaurant , which was very successful, gave birth to the baby laying case worked and attending the newborn child, their working hours were 25 hours, as was also looking for their "brothers" and the new husband that nothing was helping, Padlock just saw he needed money, and to impregnate the second girl.

Rosa suffered from infidelity, beatings, baseness, ignorance but unfortunately, self-esteem was not allowed to take the courage to denounce his "husband" and argued enduring his daughters, that I wanted give what she had, "a father" so they do not suffer what she suffered. (How many times have we heard that phrase)

His daughters lived the most horrifying scenes of shock, of seeing the pope did not work, or helping at home and was until most accomplished 20 years and went to college, Rosa the remote San Luis Potosi, decide to divorce and take his youngest daughter with her, to live in a tenement room but freed from suffering, released from the comments that he was happy the day he came divorce and that "hell."

With one hand back and forth another, decides to travel to Cuernavaca, working as a cook, a maid, what it was, because I had to keep most had gone to college and had the responsibility of the child who had left school and work as a maid that her sister could see them later. (Could not crystallize the dream)

Rosa worked as a maid with a few gringos, where he met the manager of the house, deceit and as a typical male, coax saying that he was separating his wife, who wanted a relationship "serious" with her (big mistake of Rosa) work more than 10 years with the Yankees and neither gave thanks, or settlement, or bonuses, or anything.

promises which would to "separate" as those of Calderon, and took her for 18 years, took her from her maid to the house, while the years of Rosa they would consume, they never divorced, I end up running home and the same, no thanks, now Rosa is ill, with over 60 years and his daughter, which would be for her after college as an engineer in food, no jobs, no future and more 35, making it more difficult, the child does not know where he is.

The reason for this is because I want us together to help Rosa, have kidney disease, can not make their needs and needs diapers, a wheelchair and a walker, also medical visit and an MRI magnetic, his daughter, which would be for her and her younger sister, it was the hope, have to work caring for others half sick to help your mama!

I know the situation is difficult for many, but others we can help put our grain of sand is that somebody has a wheelchair shoved it on home, someone else has a walker that is needed, consult another one Rosa, but give other medicine, another will say that working in the IMSS and can help with the MRI, a young man of good heart may invite the park, some young lady will visit to read a book or learn you something Rosa! She says in the video I share or WOMEN Disregard MARRIED MEN!

Let's Rosa I ever had, Love, Understanding, Care, Time, Life, A DREAM.

Life in Mexico color IF Rosa, Rosa perhaps can tell us what color is your life right now? Did not you wonder what color is yours, or what color would you like?

If you want to help in any way you see fit, the way they can, Rosa lives in Cuautla, visit her regularly, so soon urges a wheelchair, walker, magnetic resonance and insulin for diabetes also.

I am certain that together we can help, which together help to Rosa.

For you, what color is your life when you help others?


Alberto Mujica


52 * 260301 * 1



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Old Rival Crock Pot Pattern

CNFL install charging stations for electric vehicles delivering

La Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y \u200b\u200bLuz (CNFL) installed vehicle load centers electric.
There are 22 stations to be located in the metropolitan area, and that cost about $ 100 mil. Placed 2
CNFL fast-charging stations, which each is $ 30 000 and 20 centers trickle, at a cost of about $ 2 billion.
in Costa Rica currently circulating about 260 electric vehicles would benefit from these stations. CNFL

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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is heading for governor? CALDERON

It seems very important to share the following, saying that when the river sounds, water bears is that, the race for the governorship and began last year, which will miss my friends, (to which , do not bother to post on my blog and I do special way) is to mention that the Federal Deputy Francisco Moreno Merino, has more experience as an administrator than as political, we will not be wrong?

shared here what PEDRO MARTINEZ SERRANO via email.

With the beginning of 2011, contrary to all political actors repeat, the race for the candidates is close, very close to its peak. Therefore, insiders and outsiders, all against all, are displayed misery, disability, errors. The target that everyone tries to guess, is what leads to the main seat of the Government Palace.

In each of the political parties, its key figures do what they can, after weather the onslaught of his opponents, as well as within their parties, that of the opposite.

The most active in the beating: Senator Adrián Rivera Pérez, the most simulator and opportunistic: he also Senator Graco Ramirez Garrido, the most reviled, a result of wear and tear of the municipal president, Manuel Martínez Garrigós and like or not , the winning position where it should, is the federal MP for the first district, Francisco Alejandro Moreno Merino.

Thus, as in Morelos, Graco Ramirez and Adrian Rivera, tear their clothes, playing to candidates seeking the state government, when their true intentions is placed in position jump to go back. A federal council, would be his ideal, although local allowed to continue plugged into the budget without working. Both

popular representatives know that neither the National Action Party (PAN) and much less than the Democratic Revolution (PRD) have any chance of victory to take them to the governorship of the state and, even in dreams , for president of the republic, whose successor Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, already know the name: Enrique Peña Nieto of the PRI. Precisely

sure that Enrique Peña Nieto will succeed the hardened and militarized Felipe Calderón, is what advances the political clock in the state, making distances shortened, put at the 2012 and, by the desperation of the opponents PRI, the PAN and the PRD, which multiply in the beating against the PRI, with the intention to play down the illusory chance to inexorable: the bulldozer tricolor and other lit.

And while the enemies of everything that has to do with the PRI, they wear on the tap, inside the local PRI, open flanks, form groups, placed in starting position toward the 2012. The PRI knows
regain the governorship, the presidency of the Republic and not only that, it will mostly the same in the Senate, which in the lower house of Congress, which is why here, aspiring, have begun move.

As the time comes, the PRI federal deputy, Alejandro Moreno Francisco Merino, remains in Morelos, as the dolphin Enrique Peña Nieto, and the State of Mexico, Rep. Luis Videgaray Case who also served as Secretary of Finance, Planning and Administration for nearly four years serving the Mexican governor.

Pedro Martinez Serrano.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Applications Advantages

reports on delivery procedure fluorescent

National Power Company and Light, SA informs its subscribers that campaign
delivery of fluorescent lamps, the procedure is the following
1.Únicamente, lamps may remove subscribers who receive the coupon
attached to your invoice for electric service. 2.The
customers must be submitted to any branch with
coupon, and canceled the final invoice or proof of payment, if
have placed online. In addition, you must present your card
or identification document. 3.The
users not listed as owners of the service may
remove the lamps, provided that they submit the above documents. 4.The
lamps are delivered within the normal business hours to
public, authorized exchange centers (branches of the CNFL).

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fluorescent lamps fluorescent lamp. Build CNFL

The fluorescent lamp has many advantages when compared with incandescent lamp.

The most important are:
- A current consumption can be up to three times lower than that of an incandescent lamp
- Best color response. It is easy to see that the colors are more faithful to the real.
- The light output is 4 to 6 times higher than that of an incandescent lamp of the same power
- Provides a more uniform light and less brilliant, because the illumination area is greater
- Reduced heating
- The average length life is 7500 hours in normal conditions. Fluorescent lamps are
discharge of low pressure. You can choose between different kinds of light and built in various shapes and sizes. There is a pin and 2 pin
fluorescent lamp consists of a glass tube is coated on the inside with a fluorescent substance.

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Mains in the capital

Over nine blocks from San Jose and worked the Power and Light employees.

Its aim was to make over the new system will support the underground electricity network in the capital.

65 employees worked from very early to do all the wiring along these 900 meters.

hardest thing for them was to perform the work without stopping the electrical service in the area to not affect users.

The entire crew of the construction section was reinforced with 10 other maintenance staff to give more speed work.

The placement of the poles began the previous November but the wiring and electrification took place on Sunday.

The locals will not be affected until the 30 of this month when making temporary cuts every 200 meters for the new reconnection.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pinky (after Weight Gain)


If you are one of the 100 000 residential customers for electric service provided by the Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y \u200b\u200bLuz (CNFL) is up to date with the payment receipt and consumption monthly ranges between 250 and 400 kwh, you can claim three compact fluorescent lamps free.

Modern bulbs can be exchanged at branches of the Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y \u200b\u200bLuz, just present the coupon attached this month to your electric bill and your ID card. If the service is not the name of the bearer of the coupon must be presented the last utility bill paid.

The objective of this campaign called "Now saving", which began the previous December 15 and then focused on the urban fringe areas and precarious with consumption between 100 and 200 kwh, is now offered to customers residential or social organizations, in order to reduce electricity demand during the summer of 2011, as well as collaborating with the goal of this administration make Costa Rica the first carbon neutral country in the world in 2021.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Edinburgh Playhouse Seat Views


Tuesday January 11, 2011 from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
San Jose - Hatillo - Rotonda Alajuelita (partial)
Coronado - Holy Name (partial)
Thursday January 13, 2011 from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
San Rafael Arriba de Desamparados
Friday January 14, 2011 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30
pm Escazú - San Antonio (partial)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lab 5 Cell Respiration Conclusion

Tuesday January 11, 2011 from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm San
José - Hatillo - Rotonda Alajuelita (partial)

Tuesday January 11, 2011 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Coronado - Holy Name (partial)

Monday, January 10, 2011

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hand the country .... THE QUESTIONS?

This time I share something a friend of mine sent me, to see today that January 10 is published in Reforma and other newspapers, I see progress with the facts and more abundant in the comments, this reason it share.

Since changes were last year SEDESOL and Tourism, were the first moves to pave the way for Felipe Calderón considers his replacement, the less as the candidate of bread because they win the presidency is in Aramaic. A great friend and my offspring were in the maelstrom of change, trips to the pinole and told that everything was to shore up lamb, since he came to Carstens has been a rapid shift.

They left on the road to Patricia Flores, Lujambio, Cortazar, Manzanares (?), which was the closest group to Philip at the official residence (where traffic influences, so), and Javier Alarcón step that was deleted by Philip ... the arrival of Blake Mora, and starts shoring Lamb, who as undersecretary of the Treasury to Secretary of SEDESOL jumps and then to minister of finance and close dolphin, in less than a year and a half. Felipe shelters him since he was with him in Banobras, Energy and then coordinates the campaign when he wins the nomination. If he is his son.

The aim is to control the most important ministries and over budget, so the subejercicio in several of them, to take back $ $ $ in the presidential race. Everyone has the following in common: foreign masters in Jerome, Yale, Harvard, and an occasional Pensilvanya at Stanford, most of the ITAM, a stronghold and a few presidential terms and the chosen favorite of Washington, scholarship that will, when a jump to a higher position, the other to care relieves the square (in the style of the people) and the attacks that could lead to friendly fire

Indeed, Woodrow Wilson, which underpinned the overthrow of V. Huerta and Carranza support and unsuccessfully pursued Villa, said: "We need to open American universities these ambitious young Mexicans, they will give us the country"

Obviously in the above, it was to ensure that the presidency of the bread remain in the hands if not the group, a stalwart that could be handled, therefore had to cancel the dumbbell Espino-fox and the head DFC.

One last comment. Changes in the cabinet of Philip are irrelevant to the country. Are not guarantees of results and status changes of all things affecting the population. Son "screen kids" far from any reality always stuck to the budget, the $ $ $ easily and which aim (changes) to consolidate the "clique." Many of them will see them in positions of secretaries in the next six years or with some economic portfolios in the cabinet.

Carlos Ruiz Venegas

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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covers If you do not pay property taxes in Cuernavaca!

The rich, if proud, inherits his own ruin

It seems that the mayor of Cuernavaca Manuel Martínez Garrigos he is reaching this truth, and lack of hunger, humility, talent and tact, the accompanying debris so on, as his administration for not listening to ANYONE

For that reason and based on Articles 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 31-IV, 112.113, 115-III of the Constitution of the State Morelos, municipal organic law of the State of Morelos, the police and government side of the city of Cuernavaca, regulations, the law of income for the town of Cuernavaca, Morelos 2010, third chapter first section of the tax property tax in its article 4 .- decrees "would cause property taxes and to account annually or bi-monthly periods, the real property tax base as determined or modified after the entry into force this law.

Also from the January 30, 2007 approved the agreement ACOO1/SO/30/-1-07/12 that contains the table of unit values \u200b\u200bof land and building to serve as the basis for the municipality of Cuernavaca for the recovery of property estate, which was published in the official newspaper land and freedom No 4542 dated June 28, 2007.

Any amendment must be approved by the local board and approved cadastral by the mayor and council, once approved shall be submitted to the legislature within the first 90 days of onset of the municipal administration, concluding with the publication in the official state newspaper. Manuel Martínez

Garrigos, he did time and Congress is the date that they are not approved and the last publication in the official newspaper on the table of values \u200b\u200bwas in 2007, has been called the local board for the cadastral subject, coupled with approval that was submitted to the council on February 26, 2010 (118 days after the administration began.)

For that reason and knowledge to the mayor of Cuernavaca, we aware of the arbitrariness that is committed against us as citizens and our heritage, civil organizations and associations as: IN THE CITY THAT WE ALL WANT, AND DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF OWNERS OF HISTORIC CENTER, SETTLERS OF DELIGHTS, SETTLERS OF VISTA HERMOSA, SETTLERS REFORM, SETTLERS Flores Magon, AHUATLAN SETTLERS OF HILLS OF GUARDIAN OF THE TREES IN FRONT CIVIC PLAN DE AYALA, SETTLERS OF BUENA VISTA, LAZARILLO COLLECTIVE AND CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS, unhappy and tired of the bad decisions of the mayor of Cuernavaca Manuel Martínez Garrigos .

We decided to call a Mega Marcha tomorrow Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 10 morning.

1 .- To make a massive collective defense against property tax payment.

2 .- Manuel Martínez Garrigos Require immediate cancellation of the 2011 property tax application as contrary to federal and state constitution. 3 .- Hearing

open that day, there being nothing to negotiate, do not allow any dialogue committee with the mayor, he must leave, step up and cancel the increase to pay property taxes.

meeting points are:
For people who live in nearby Plan de Ayala and
La Glorieta De La Luna at 10 am

For those living in and around Avenida Morelos.
La Glorieta De Las Palmas striker in children at 10 am.

For those living in the center of the city of Cuernavaca
At Calvary Church 10 a.m.

For those who live in the Buena Vista and north of the city.
Tlaltenango At the roundabout at 10 am

This will be a 100% MEGA MARCH CITIZEN is not sponsored by any political party, peaceful, without insults, intolerance know the Mayor, for this reason that caution be characterizes our citizens and bring out ad nauseam that we have for the mismanagement of Manuel Martinez Garrigos, a reprint of also BAD PAN governments.



Alberto Mujica