Monday, January 10, 2011

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hand the country .... THE QUESTIONS?

This time I share something a friend of mine sent me, to see today that January 10 is published in Reforma and other newspapers, I see progress with the facts and more abundant in the comments, this reason it share.

Since changes were last year SEDESOL and Tourism, were the first moves to pave the way for Felipe Calderón considers his replacement, the less as the candidate of bread because they win the presidency is in Aramaic. A great friend and my offspring were in the maelstrom of change, trips to the pinole and told that everything was to shore up lamb, since he came to Carstens has been a rapid shift.

They left on the road to Patricia Flores, Lujambio, Cortazar, Manzanares (?), which was the closest group to Philip at the official residence (where traffic influences, so), and Javier Alarcón step that was deleted by Philip ... the arrival of Blake Mora, and starts shoring Lamb, who as undersecretary of the Treasury to Secretary of SEDESOL jumps and then to minister of finance and close dolphin, in less than a year and a half. Felipe shelters him since he was with him in Banobras, Energy and then coordinates the campaign when he wins the nomination. If he is his son.

The aim is to control the most important ministries and over budget, so the subejercicio in several of them, to take back $ $ $ in the presidential race. Everyone has the following in common: foreign masters in Jerome, Yale, Harvard, and an occasional Pensilvanya at Stanford, most of the ITAM, a stronghold and a few presidential terms and the chosen favorite of Washington, scholarship that will, when a jump to a higher position, the other to care relieves the square (in the style of the people) and the attacks that could lead to friendly fire

Indeed, Woodrow Wilson, which underpinned the overthrow of V. Huerta and Carranza support and unsuccessfully pursued Villa, said: "We need to open American universities these ambitious young Mexicans, they will give us the country"

Obviously in the above, it was to ensure that the presidency of the bread remain in the hands if not the group, a stalwart that could be handled, therefore had to cancel the dumbbell Espino-fox and the head DFC.

One last comment. Changes in the cabinet of Philip are irrelevant to the country. Are not guarantees of results and status changes of all things affecting the population. Son "screen kids" far from any reality always stuck to the budget, the $ $ $ easily and which aim (changes) to consolidate the "clique." Many of them will see them in positions of secretaries in the next six years or with some economic portfolios in the cabinet.

Carlos Ruiz Venegas


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