Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bring Alcohol Caribbean Princess

fluorescent lamps fluorescent lamp. Build CNFL

The fluorescent lamp has many advantages when compared with incandescent lamp.

The most important are:
- A current consumption can be up to three times lower than that of an incandescent lamp
- Best color response. It is easy to see that the colors are more faithful to the real.
- The light output is 4 to 6 times higher than that of an incandescent lamp of the same power
- Provides a more uniform light and less brilliant, because the illumination area is greater
- Reduced heating
- The average length life is 7500 hours in normal conditions. Fluorescent lamps are
discharge of low pressure. You can choose between different kinds of light and built in various shapes and sizes. There is a pin and 2 pin
fluorescent lamp consists of a glass tube is coated on the inside with a fluorescent substance.

Inf: discovery channel


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