Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Quasi Cash Western Union


covers If you do not pay property taxes in Cuernavaca!

The rich, if proud, inherits his own ruin

It seems that the mayor of Cuernavaca Manuel Martínez Garrigos he is reaching this truth, and lack of hunger, humility, talent and tact, the accompanying debris so on, as his administration for not listening to ANYONE

For that reason and based on Articles 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 31-IV, 112.113, 115-III of the Constitution of the State Morelos, municipal organic law of the State of Morelos, the police and government side of the city of Cuernavaca, regulations, the law of income for the town of Cuernavaca, Morelos 2010, third chapter first section of the tax property tax in its article 4 .- decrees "would cause property taxes and to account annually or bi-monthly periods, the real property tax base as determined or modified after the entry into force this law.

Also from the January 30, 2007 approved the agreement ACOO1/SO/30/-1-07/12 that contains the table of unit values \u200b\u200bof land and building to serve as the basis for the municipality of Cuernavaca for the recovery of property estate, which was published in the official newspaper land and freedom No 4542 dated June 28, 2007.

Any amendment must be approved by the local board and approved cadastral by the mayor and council, once approved shall be submitted to the legislature within the first 90 days of onset of the municipal administration, concluding with the publication in the official state newspaper. Manuel Martínez

Garrigos, he did time and Congress is the date that they are not approved and the last publication in the official newspaper on the table of values \u200b\u200bwas in 2007, has been called the local board for the cadastral subject, coupled with approval that was submitted to the council on February 26, 2010 (118 days after the administration began.)

For that reason and knowledge to the mayor of Cuernavaca, we aware of the arbitrariness that is committed against us as citizens and our heritage, civil organizations and associations as: IN THE CITY THAT WE ALL WANT, AND DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF OWNERS OF HISTORIC CENTER, SETTLERS OF DELIGHTS, SETTLERS OF VISTA HERMOSA, SETTLERS REFORM, SETTLERS Flores Magon, AHUATLAN SETTLERS OF HILLS OF GUARDIAN OF THE TREES IN FRONT CIVIC PLAN DE AYALA, SETTLERS OF BUENA VISTA, LAZARILLO COLLECTIVE AND CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS, unhappy and tired of the bad decisions of the mayor of Cuernavaca Manuel Martínez Garrigos .

We decided to call a Mega Marcha tomorrow Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 10 morning.

1 .- To make a massive collective defense against property tax payment.

2 .- Manuel Martínez Garrigos Require immediate cancellation of the 2011 property tax application as contrary to federal and state constitution. 3 .- Hearing

open that day, there being nothing to negotiate, do not allow any dialogue committee with the mayor, he must leave, step up and cancel the increase to pay property taxes.

meeting points are:
For people who live in nearby Plan de Ayala and
La Glorieta De La Luna at 10 am

For those living in and around Avenida Morelos.
La Glorieta De Las Palmas striker in children at 10 am.

For those living in the center of the city of Cuernavaca
At Calvary Church 10 a.m.

For those who live in the Buena Vista and north of the city.
Tlaltenango At the roundabout at 10 am

This will be a 100% MEGA MARCH CITIZEN is not sponsored by any political party, peaceful, without insults, intolerance know the Mayor, for this reason that caution be characterizes our citizens and bring out ad nauseam that we have for the mismanagement of Manuel Martinez Garrigos, a reprint of also BAD PAN governments.



Alberto Mujica


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