Saturday, March 5, 2011

Facial Hair And Herpies

Bicentennial Argentina - Various Artists 2010 (Argentina)

Several Latin American countries commemorated the year 2010 200 years of "Independence", to be clear 200 years since the beginning of the process would lead us to independence as a English colony several years later. In Buenos Aires acts of commemoration were spectacular, the city festival in front of the Obelisk hard all day and marched around the stage destacadisimos Argentine musicians, with the most varied styles and where the rock looms large. During the day closest to the folk musicians opened the day with a Gustavo Santaolalla Rainbow interpreting issues and other bands was accompanied by other musicians. The inevitable Leon Gieco with his new band reviewed their issues with their new sound heavier. And later appeared Lito Nebbia that would open a way for the Argentine rock classics, followed by Emilio del Guercio, Vox Dei, Ricardo Soule and others. Leon Gieco then return, this time with the World grouping Alas, an institution that welcomes people with different physical disabilities who participated in Leon. Noteworthy was the participation of Victor Heredia, Los Jaivas and Pablo Milanes. Obviously there were other bands that are not included here because the truth is that they are a bit off the topic of our blog. This extract audio from TV transmission in Argentina.

Cd 1

01-Gustavo Santaolalla and Barrientos Orozco - No force on earth
02-Gustavo Santaolalla and Jaime Torres - De Ushuaia to
03-Gustavo Santaolalla and Leon Gieco - MaƱana Campestre
04-Lito Nebbia - Who wants to hear you hear
05-Lito Nebbia - I do not allow
06-Lito Nebbia - New samba for my land
07-Lito Nebbia - I live in a city
08-Lito Nebbia and Rodolfo Garcia Leon Gieco - Mother escuchame
09-Lito Nebbia and Rodolfo Garcia -
conflict Days 10-Emilio del Guercio - Violence in the park
11-Lito Nebbia all - La Balsa
Cd 1

Cd 2

01-The Jaivas - Pregon to light 02-
Chemical Romance - Cancer death
The powerful 03-The Jaivas - Mambo
04-Pablo Milanes - A short distance
05-Pablo Milanes - Vengo
born 06-Pablo Milanes - I tread the streets again
07-Victor Heredia - Meeting in Cajamarca
08-Victor Heredia - Courage
09-Victor Heredia - Ojos de sky
10-Victor Heredia - Reason to live
11-Victor Heredia - Surviving
12-Victor Heredia - Todavia sing
Here Cd 2

Cd 3

01-Ricardo Soule - Rhythm of blues harmonica
02-Ricardo Soule - Present
03-Vox Dei - Genesis
04-Vox Dei - The wars
05 "Vox Dei - Wisdom Books
06-Leon Gieco y Jaime Ross - Blue Prince
07-Leon Gieco - Peer to Peer
08-Leon Gieco - El angel
09-Leon Gieco - King
10-Leon Gieco - In the land of freedom
11-Leon Gieco - Poor condition
12-Leon Gieco - Los Charly Salieris
13-Leon Gieco - Orozco
The 14-Leon Gieco and Raul Porchetto - The breast Jimmy
Cd 3 Aca

Cd 4 - Leon Gieco and Wings World

02-Oh my country
03-Five centuries as
04 -
05-The Canterville Ghost 06-
Heartbeat Lyrics for Beto 07-08-
a 09-bit memory
10-Think of all
11-Solo I ask God
12-The Grasshopper (with Gilberto Gil)
13-Singing at the branch (with Gustavo Santaolalla)
Cd 4


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