Saturday, March 5, 2011

How Many People Has Jenna Jameson Been With

The Jaivas - Song Festival Viña 2011 (Chile)

Occasionally Farandulera the organizers of this event is wrong and bring real quality performers or invite Chilean exponents. After walking unpleasant or Puerto Rican groups raggeatoneros cumbia Mole, who had gathered one night and The Sting symphonic Jaivas make us think that it was another event. But the sad truth appears and suddenly we find that the times that are given to the Chilean artists are more than limited and lack of respect that characterizes the mainstream media (with an owner at the height of course) as television channel that broadcast the event and see that the presentation of The Jaivas is abruptly cut off and immediately outside the channel of transmission, without allowing even finished Mario Mutis thank the public. Something curious if we see past days the representatives of sound "flaite" were to air until after four o'clock. Returning to what matters, the presentation of The Jaivas impeccable, emotionally charged concert, tributes and memorials. It met 30 years Alturas de Machu Picchu and that is why the band played almost the entire work. Then the interpretation of Valparaiso followed by images of Jack gave Alquinta share emotion. The salute to the Chileans who still suffer the consequences the earthquake of February 27 as an anecdote step should be bothered more remarkable. The Jaivas are afiatada and playing first, we note the contribution of new members. To make it pleasant, unpleasant interventions were edited animators and awards, so the concert is spic. The sound spectacular, extract digital TV transmission. Many thanks to my colleague mk360.

01 - From air to air
02 - The powerful death
03 - American Love
04 - Upload a brother born with me
05 - Final
06 - Valparaiso
07 - Mira
08 - Children of the earth
09 - Mambo De Machaguay
10 - Cry for lighting
11 - All together

Claudio Parra: Piano, trutruca, perusion
Juanita Parra: drums, percussion
Mario Mutis: Bass, guitar, percussion, voice
Alquinta: Guitar, Bass
Carlos Cabezas: guitar, charango, trutruca, flute, percussion, voice
Francisco Bosco: Keyboards, vocals, trutruca, percussion

Download it Here


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