Thursday, March 17, 2011

Small Tables To Build

Andergroun Vibrations - Spanish Hard Psych And Beyond 1970-1978 (Spain)

Understand English rock in these parts of the world is complicated, mainly because although we have no barrier is idomatica little or nothing is known about the prodigious and rich production of bands and styles existing in the Iberian Peninsula. The styles and shapes vary according to the province or region, is not the same progressive flamenco to Catalan or Basque heavy rock with metal that is made in Madrid. In the seventies the most classic heavy metal was also present in force, as well as the soul, but that particular style is more unknown. Some English bands of that time appeared in some disco or were compiled and edited here Barrabas, but the rest nothing. So this compilation which is rare in Spain because it is more so in Latin America, it includes a lot of bands that had no connotation, they recorded little or nothing, but joins the acid sound, the fuzz, psychedelia and soul. A highly recommended compilation. Enjoy

01-Expression - The Light at the world
02-cypress - Far from here
03-Galaxy - The news
04-Xextu - Xohana (2 Part)
05 - Skorpis - No time to think
06-Ibiza Sound - Ad Lib (Part 2)
07-Modification - Across the time
08-The Matches - Eo Santana
09-pack - Much more
10-Shock - can not be Superman
11-All & Nothing - Underground Vibrations No. 2

Download it Here


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