Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bt Designer Cordless Wall Mounted Phones

Eduardo Gatti - Live Cafe del Cerro 1984 (Chile)

This is the type of publication that most I like to do, because in one way or another gathers all the elements that inspired the creation of this blog. This recording is made of the console and the sound is great, considering the years that the original cassette has. Another element is that it reflects an environment that was created in the already legendary Cafe del Cerro, interaction and closeness between the musicians and the audience mingled with the complicity of it was a subversive act by the mere fact of being there. I was lucky enough to attend very many concerts at the Cafe del Cerro, lived a few blocks from there and is very likely to have been present in this, Gatti I never lost it. It is very interesting in this recording the interaction with people and the dialogues of Gatti, a retro character rather not talk much. Something remarkable is the explanation of the topic Sambaye truly did not know that was an issue dedicated to Victor Jara and reflects the relationship you had with the Blops Victor. This show is WONDERFUL friends, many thanks to our new Greek partner Val for this gem.

Willow Twig 01-02-Travel
final 03-Essentially
so no more
Afternoon 04-05-06-Naomi
Moments 07-flowered Zapatitos
08-09-Temples of the Sun and Moon 10-The
11 "Green fields
12-May mornings are pretty
13-Valley of the mirrors
14-I want peace

Eduardo Gatti: Guitar and vocals


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