Friday, February 11, 2011

Placemat Scripture Totes

Thomas Edison's success such as perseverance

People laughed at Edison when he insisted and insisted on lighting a light bulb.
"Edison carry hundreds of failures, and resignation," he said, to which Edison replied: "I have hundreds of hits, I found hundreds of ways how not to light a light bulb."
The attitude of success gives no place to resign, there are no failures, only learning and learning will always benefit.

Although credited with the invention of the incandescent lamp was only actually perfected by him, who, after many attempts managed to reach a filament incandescence without melting. This filament was not metal, but carbonated bamboo. Thus, the October 21, 1879, got his first light bulb shone for 48 hours straight.

in 1880 is associated with JP Morgan to found General Electric.

In the scientific field, discovered the effect Edison patented in 1883, which consisted of the passage of electricity from a filament to a metal plate inside a globe of incandescent lamp. Although neither he nor the scientists of his time gave importance, laid the foundations of the valve radio and electronics (so-called Edison effect.)


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