Friday, February 11, 2011

Company Employment Letter


Thomas Alva Edison born on February 11
1847, perfected and patented the incandescent lamp

The incandescent lamp is currently the lowest light output of lamps used: 12 to 18 lm / W (lumens per watt of power) and that shorter life useful or durability have: about 1000 hours, but it is the most widespread, its low price and the warm color of light. No offers very good color reproduction, and that does not emit in the spectrum of cool colors, but having a continuous emission spectrum does contain all the wavelengths in the emitted spectrum. Its efficiency is very low, as only becomes work (visible light) around 15% of the energy consumed. Another 25% is transformed into heat energy and the remaining 60% no detectable radiation, ultraviolet light and infrared light, which subsequently turned into heat.

incandescent lamps, at least in Europe, are being progressively withdrawn from the market, replaced by more efficient alternatives like compact fluorescent lamps and LED-based technology.


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