Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Profit Margin For Bed & Breakfast

Hari Ossa - Local spontaneous Poems 2010 (Chile)

Hari Ossa is a Chilean musician avencindado few years ago in Spain, one of many who have gone in search of better expectations beyond our continent. A little-known guitarist in Chile who participated in the recording of one of the best albums of the band Pedro Villagra, Pagano. Ever told me that also played with Panussis and Salazar in the cassette recording of "The Metropolitan Park." His independent style, close to New Age and experimental music mixed with improvised passages are very interesting. This album of 2010 mixes a bit of all this are 12 tracks called "spontaneous poetry." Achieving this goal meant finding new ways to make as much as possible in real time so as not to miss on the issue. I also decided to return to the guitar as my main instrument, it was clear he did not want an album redundant, where each piece was a variation of the above, so I decided to build a fretless guitar, to give me more expressive options while timbrísticas make it harder to unconsciously repeat the same tracks. recording this album was waiting to finish this guitar and learn to use the new program that allowed me to create layers of sound and process real-time in May 2010 finally began to burn. The only limits were imposed on me as to keep everything the most simple and honest as possible, no modulations improvise not many chords and scales no change or shade, nothing to play pre-fabricated phrases or melodic patterns. Should be able to convey emotions and feelings with the minimum of recursos.Todos the topics covered by these "Small Poems Spontaneous" were improvised, respecting its original length without any cover up mistakes. "(Hari Ossa).

01-Poem 1
02-Poem 2
03-Poem 3
4 04-Poem
05-Poem 5
06-Poem 6
07-Poem 7
08-Poem 8
09-Poem 9
10-Poem 10
11-Poema 11
12-Poema 12

Hari Ossa: guitar, samplers

Download it Here


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